Dear friends,
Finally radiotherapy has started. I have had 4 sessions so far, 16 to go. The first session was the worst as I had to lie still for 30 min with my arms in stirrups above my head, and my arms went numb! Now each session should only take about 15 minutes. No side effects so far. The hormonal treatment has kicked in so I am now waking up with hot flushes several times a night, but feeling ok through the day.
As we hear the news of the suffering of Christians in Iraq who have been driven out of their homes and many killed it brings perspective to anything we are going through. We certainly have nothing to complain about with the comforts & security of life here and the very best of medical care.My heart goes out to them . Let us all keep them in our prayers each day, that God will be their comfort & strength, that they will keep trusting Him to direct their paths. May we all remember that what is lost or suffered in this life does not compare with what is gained in the age to come.
The trial of Mady's HSC trials finished on Friday and her health only caused one of them to be delayed . She is enjoying a few days of no study!
Love Jill
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